A Stroll Around Scenic Bamberg in 9 Pictures

Bamberg was never really on my radar until I met Silke, a German traveller who happened to be my hostel roommate in York – and learnt that she lived in a UNESCO World Heritage city. It’s not the only one in Germany with such an accolade, nor the only one with many intact pre-WWII buildings, but it was just three hours from Dresden by bus.

The streets that the novelist E.T.A. Hoffmann roamed for nearly five years don’t seem to have changed. Cobblestones are the order of the day, just as they were before the advent of the automobile. The houses and pubs must have seen plenty in their time.

Pictures of Bamberg Altstadt

Walking down Grüner Markt from the bus station
A view of the old town with Villa Concordia on the left and the Dom in the distance.
The view from Michaelsberg Abbey
Narrow streets
Statue of E.T.A. Hoffmann outside the theatre that bears his name.
Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) bears a tribute to Claus von Stauffenberg, one of many who tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He and his family lived in this city.
Klein-Venedig (Little Venice)

The funny thing was that I didn’t get to meet Silke there, but we ran into each other later in New Zealand! It was still a good stop for me – several hours of walking up and down hills (and sleeping early due to the absence of the internet or data in my room) works wonders for the mind.

For more UNESCO-listed sites around Europe, check out the following posts:

See also  The Best Way to Spend a 5-Hour Frankfurt Layover