World Colours – Purple
Purple is a colour that I haven’t encountered very often, but when I do it’s often employed to great effect, especially by Mother Nature. I fear a flower overload, hence this post will seem a tad short compared to the others.

I was fortunate to celebrate the midsummer festival in the Baltics, and these are just a few of the beautiful costumes that dancers wear for the occasion.
World Colors (or World Colours) is a little travel photography project which Naomi at Box 53b and Anne at Part Time Traveller started. Anyone is welcome to join in at any point, and even make backdated posts, by sharing their favourite photos based on the theme colour of the month. Just add the hashtag #worldcolors on Instagram, Pinterest or your blog.
There is also a Twitter account that tracks and retweets posts by various participants, and you can follow it at @WC_Project. Follow them for updates on the next theme colour.
See all the World Colours posts: Red, Orange, Yellow (Part 1, Part 2), Green, Blue, Purple, White, Black